Our Services

Chimney Sweeping

Chimney Sweeping is an essential part of maintaining your fire. We use the very latest in chimney sweeping technology, sweeping every chimney with our award winning Rodtech rotary power sweeping equipment. Proven to deliver a superior clean compared to traditional manual sweeping methods. All the sweep team and our customers have really seen the benefit of our change to power sweeping.

A NACS certificate with every sweep, often required by insurance companies, Landlords and for guarantee purposes.

CCTV Inspections

In order to get the best idea as to what is happening in your chimney we now carry CCTV inspection cameras to see exactly what is going on. We utilise the new cameras to gain an accurate picture of any problems in your chimney, such as birds nests, blockages or internal damage.

You may or may not know that stainless steel chimney flue liners don’t last forever, we would recommend having them CCTV’d periodically to monitor their condition to ensure they stay safe.

From £250 Per Chimney

CCTV Surveys

We can also offer a detailed Chimney CCTV Survey which is a more in-depth camera inspection. Using the latest in HD pan and tilt camera technology to see fully what is going on in the chimney.

This is accompanied by a CCTV survey report which can be utilised by surveyers, estate agents or insurance companies.

Chimney Services

How can we Help?

Chimney pointing/repointing of chimney brickwork.

Chimney capping and cowl installers.

Increasing chimney draw.

Rebuilding domestic brick chimney stacks.

Chimney Aspirator & anti-down-draught chimney cowl fitting.

CCTV chimney surveys.

Lightning protection/Lightning conductor fitting.

Replacement & repair of damaged chimney pots

Chimney surveys – Chimney inspection and testing

Identifying causes of down draught & implementing solutions.

Smoke testing & chimney leak detection.

Chimney capping & vent repairs.

Chimney brickwork cleaning & restoration.

Chimney breast repair, removal & fabrication/installation of structural